Transitional Kindergarten
Dear Families,
Sudents must be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in Kindergarten. Students with birthdays from September 2nd to December 2nd will enter Transitional Kindergarten, the first year of a two year Kindergarten program. Information on Transitional Kindergarten will be provided at each elementary school site during our Kindergarten Information Nights (dates posted on Pupil Services page). Please scroll down for more TK Information (English and Spanish).
For the 2015-2016 school year, CCUSD will operate the district programs on the campuses of La Ballona, Lin Howe, El Marino, and El Rincon Elementary Schools. The start time for transitional kindergarten is 8:25 a.m. Regular dismissal is at2:55 p.m.; early day dismissal, for example on Wednesdays, is at 1:25 p.m. Your child will be assigned based on whether an older sibling will be attending an elementary school that will have the CCUSD program on its campus, the distance from your home address to the assigned school, space availability, and availability of child care for those who requested child care through the Office of Child Development. Permit students will be assigned to a school by the CCUSD Permit Office.
For more information about transitional kindergarten and kindergarten, contact your neighborhood elementary school: El Rincon 310-842-4338; Farragut 310-842-4323; La Ballona 310-842-4334; Linwood E. Howe 310-842-4338.